Replacement of High Strength Aerobic Treatment Unit at a Restaurant

This was a repair of a failed High Strength Aerobic Treatment Unit at a restaurant, featuring EZ-Treat Model 1200 Re-Circulating Synthetic Sand/Gravel Filter
Sample Pulled From the Discharge Side of the E-Z Treat Unit

EZ Treat Products Used


EZ Treat was great to work with. Their technical knowledge and experience is unparalleled.

— Test Tester

Below are the test results of E-Z Treat system in a high strength waste application. This was a repair of a failed High Strength Aerobic Treatment Unit at a restaurant. The effluent from the ATU plugged the drip field and the tubing had to be replaced. The health department required the effluent achieve TL-1 or residential (180 BOD) strength before dispersal to the subsurface drip tubing. The solution was to install two E-Z Treat Model # 1200 Re-Circulating Synthetic Sand/Gravel Filter. The state required monthly testing the first 6 months and annual testing thereafter. The average daily flow is 1,500 GPD. The system has been operation for about 8 years and the media has not been replaced or cleaned.

Pump Discharge Tank before the Repair of a High Strength Aerobic Treatment Unit at Hunters Head Restaurant Metered Forward Flow Average of 1,500 GPD

Pump Discharge Tank before the Repair of a High Strength Aerobic Treatment Unit at Hunters Head Restaurant Metered Forward Flow Average of 1,500 GPD

Sample Pulled From the Discharge Side of the Aerobic High Strength Unit

Sample Pulled From the Discharge Side of the Aerobic High Strength Unit

Pump Discharge Tank After the Repair of a High Strength Aerobic Unit using two E-Z Treat 1200 units Hunters Head Restaurant Metered Forward Flow 1,500 GPD

Pump Discharge Tank After the Repair of a High Strength Aerobic Unit using two E-Z Treat 1200 units Hunters Head Restaurant Metered Forward Flow 1,500 GPD

Sample Pulled From the Discharge Side of the E-Z Treat Unit

Sample Pulled From the Discharge Side of the E-Z Treat Unit